Dental Professionals Share PPE/Ventilator STL Files | Aegis Dental Network
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Dental Professionals Share PPE/Ventilator STL Files

Posted on Sunday, April 5, 2020

With hospitals around the US experiencing shortages of surgical masks, ventilator valves, and more, various dental professionals with 3D printing capabilities have stepped up to contribute what help they can. Some have even shared their design files on social media for others to use on their own printers.

As Justin Marks, CDT, notes, anyone printing these products would be wise to take the time to evaluate their design, materials, and printing capabilities to ensure that the products will be of sufficient quality. Marks shares this article on that subject: 3D printing COVID-19: First Do No Harm.

For those dental professionals who feel comfortable moving forward, Inside Dental Technology has compiled some of the STL files that have been shared, all in one place. Inside Dental Technology has not verified the viability of these files or their status with the FDA or other regulatory bodies; this is not an endorsement of these designs, and anyone utilizing them should evaluate in full themselves.

Marks and his company, Arfona, shared files for a “remix” of the Prusa RC2 face shield:

Adam Nulty, BChD, shared files for ventilator quad splitters:

Nulty also shared files for N100 and N95 thermoform masks:

Additionally, Nulty shared files for Venturi valves for ventilators:

Paul Zhivago, DDS, shared links for two masks and a Venturi valve design:

Panthera Dental, meanwhile, posted STL files for various printing options for face shields on its website:

Midwest Dental Arts also shared a DropBox link for its mask design:

DT will continue to update this page as the creators of these design files provide their permission.



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