Single-Shade Omni-Chromatic Nano-ORMOCER Restorative
VOCO introduces Admira Fusion x-tra, the world’s first Single-Shade Omni-Chromatic Nano-ORMOCER restorative material, plus x-tra. Due to its unique composition, Admira Fusion x-tra can match the shade of the surrounding tooth structure, improving the speed and simplicity of the restorative procedure. Not only does this save time, it saves dental offices waste from having to buy multiple shades before inevitably throwing away unused or unpopular shades when they expire.
60% of the particulate that makes up Admira Fusion x-tra is between 20-40 nanometers in diameter, smaller than the wavelengths of visible light (approximately 400-700nm). As a result, Admira Fusion x-tra’s nano-particulate neither diffracts or refracts light. Instead, it allows the light to simply pass through uninterrupted and bounce off the surrounding tooth structure, causing the restoration to take on the shading and color of its surroundings, much like a chameleon blending into its environment.
The “x-tra” in Admira Fusion x-tra refers to enhanced physical properties. Due to Nano-ORMOCER technology, it has an extremely low shrinkage rate of 1.25% by volume and a shrinkage stress of up to 50% lower than other brands, meaning a lower rate of failure, greater longevity and ultimately less of a chance for patient discomfort. Admira Fusion x-tra’s extremely low water solubility of less than 0.1 μg / mm3 means that restorations keep their luster, shine and shade for longer as they are much slower to absorb liquids like coffee, wine and tea which, over time, result in staining.
100% BPA Free, containing none of today’s classic monomers (BisGMA, TEGDMA, UDMA, etc), Admira Fusion x-tra is highly biocompatible. These “x-tras” raise the bar in the world of single shade omni-chromatic restoratives.