Want to Speak at AAPD 2016 in San Antonio? Submit Your Proposal Today! | Aegis Dental Network
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Want to Speak at AAPD 2016 in San Antonio? Submit Your Proposal Today!

Posted on Tuesday, July 14, 2015

July 8, 2015 03:26 PM


AAPD Presentations Submission Deadline is September 14, 2015. Are you the go-to person in your area for a particular treatment or method? Do you have something cutting-edge that you’d like to share with the pediatric dentist community? Have you been dying to speak at an AAPD program? Start now by submitting your submission today and earn your spot at the AAPD 2016!



Breakfast Rounds: Saturday, May 28 and Sunday, May 29 — Lead a 60-minute interactive presentation on a topic of interest to pediatric dentists; be sure to allow enough time for discussion among the group. Share your idea with up to 15 colleagues over a hot breakfast. Sessions will begin at 7 a.m. on Saturday with a second program on Sunday. 


String of Pearls: Saturday, May 28 — 15-minute presentation per speaker, up to nine presentations per session. In this format, each presenter will bring a single idea or concept and will share it with the group. These little "pearls" provide members with a wealth of information that often can often be utilized immediately. Keep your presentation focused on the topic and allow for a question or two from the audience! 


MiniClinics: Saturday, May 28 and Sunday, May 29 — 40-minute presentations to allow a question-and-answer discussion per speaker, up to eight presentations based on a clinical topic geared toward pediatric dentistry. Areas of interest include: early malocclusion management, clinical techniques using new technologies, legal issues, practice management and new developments in pediatric dentistry. 



Start preparing now to be a part of the Scientific Program at the AAPD 2016!  Notification of acceptance will be sent in October via e-mail.

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