APIC Introduces Infection Prevention Competency Model | Aegis Dental Network
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APIC Introduces Infection Prevention Competency Model

Posted on Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Washington, May 2, 2012– To meet the demands of the rapidly expanding field of infection prevention—and equip professionals for the challenges of the future—the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) has introduced its first model for infection preventionist (IP) competency. The model outlines the skills needed to advance the infection prevention field and was created to help direct the IP’s professional development at all career stages.

The APIC Competency Model for the Infection Preventionist appears in a white paper in the May issue of the American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC), the official journal of APIC, in a special topic issue focused on “The Road to 2020.” Represented as a circular diagram with patient safety in the center, the model illustrates four critical areas of expertise that are needed for the expanding IP role, including: leadership and program management; performance improvement and implementation science; infection prevention and control; and technical expertise.

“This conceptual model not only describes successful IP practice as it is today, but is also meant to be forward thinking by emphasizing those areas that will be especially critical in the next three to five years,” state the authors of the white paper. “APIC views the model as part of the association’s long-standing efforts to define and advance the profession.”

The content areas correspond to the core competencies as defined by the Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology (CBIC). “Board certification in infection prevention is critical to professional development,” add the authors. “It represents the bridge between the novice and the proficient professional.”â�¨

To learn more about the model and its explanation, attend the APIC 2012 Annual Conference session titled “A Long and Winding Road: Meeting Current Challenges, Preparing for Future Demands: APIC Introduces a Model of IP Competency,” on Tuesday, June 5, 3-4 p.m. in San Antonio.

Source: APIC

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