Phil Reddington, RDT, and Lee Mullins, RDT, of Beever Dental Technology in Leeds, United Kingdom, educated 43 technicians from the US and Canada on their BDT Technique to fabricate BDT Implant Bridges at LVI Global in Las Vegas, Nevada, on November 18-19.
Their technique focuses on full-arch implant bridges with Pekkton Ivory (anaxdent North America) polymer frames, individual ceramic crowns, and pink composite gingiva. Attendees observed the technique live from planning, to design, to fabrication and finish, and were the first to see the new digital BDT approach for CAD/CAM production of the Pekkton frame.
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Reddington and Mullins will return to the LVI facility to teach the course again June 2-3, 2017. To register, contact anaxdent North America at 877-897-6598 or go to