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Pennsylvania Dental Association Applauds New Law Requiring Insurance Companies to Pay for Anesthesia

Posted on Wednesday, October 9, 2013


HARRISBURG, Pa., July 9, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Pennsylvania Dental Association (PDA) commends the General Assembly and Governor Corbett for passing and signing into law legislation (House Bill 532) requiring insurance companies to cover the costs of general anesthesia for young children and patients with developmental disabilities.

Many young patients and those with mental or physical disabilities often experience stress when visiting a dentist's office. Some patients require general anesthesia before a dentist can treat them. However, many insurers have refused to cover the cost of anesthesia for dental patients. If a parent or caregiver cannot afford the cost, it could result in a patient delaying treatment or neglecting oral health. This could lead to a much greater cost, both in terms of money and in health. Small cavities that go untreated can develop into big problems.

House Majority Whip Stan Saylor, R-York, who sponsored HB 532, said, "The fact of the matter is that when insurance companies refuse to cover anesthesia for children and special needs patients, it is equivalent to denying them oral health care."

Dr. Bernie Dishler, PDA President, added: "Good oral health is vital to a person's overall wellness and PDA thanks state lawmakers for taking this step to help ensure that all patients have access to quality oral health care. We are particularly grateful to Rep. Saylor for his leadership the past 15 years by introducing and championing this important piece of legislation with his colleagues in the General Assembly."

For more information on PDA, visit

Source: PR Newswire

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