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$1 Million Donation Given for Free Dental Event

Posted on Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Next month, the Arizona State Fairgrounds will host a huge free dental help clinic. To make this free dental clinic a possibility, donations and help are greatly needed, according to

Delta Dental has donated $1 million for this upcoming free dental help clinic, which will be held in Phoenix. Dentists, dental hygienists, and lab technicians will work together to offer free dental care to thousands of needy patients.

The free dental help clinic will take place December 7-8, and will be hosted by the Central Arizona Society Foundation.

According to estimations, during the two days of free dental help, volunteers will offer treatments to about 2,000 patients.

Many adults from Arizona are looking forward to the upcoming free dental help event, especially because Medicaid no longer provides coverage for adult dental treatments in the state.

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