James Simon discusses the growing role of technology in dental schools
A new all-ceramic CAD/CAM fabricated crown may be ready to replace the traditional PFM restoration.
A discussion of how digital impression systems can improve accuracy and workflow, thereby increasing productivty and patient satisfaction
2011 technology update on digital dental impressioning systems
2011 technology update on CAD/CAM materials
technology update CAD/CAM technology 2011
How new developments are impacting dentists, patients, and the profession
Static-template, computer-guided implant-surgery can improve patient outcomes compared to more traditional methods
With four digital systems currently on the market, more are on the horizon as dentists embrace new technology
digital dental technology, CAD/CAM, chairside scanner, impressions
Using lithium-disilicate ingots to repair worn and discolored anterior dentition
Chair side CAD/CAM technology enables the practitioner to virtually design and mill high-strength restorations to fulfill treatment objectives