How to use this emerging area to the laboratory's best advantage
Advances for creating removable prosthetics will alter the way we fabricate dentures
A workable treatment plan means paying attention to the details
An esthetic treatment option for the increasing number of partially edentulous patients
Proper fitting oral prosthetics improve elderly patients’ overall wellbeing
With increased emphasis on CAD/CAM fabrication of fixed prosthetics, there has been little opportunity to present on the potential use of 3D printing processes for removable prosthetics
Understand and incorporate a properly prosthetic-driven case plan
Feature story on the future of dentures and how they are moving towards a digital spectrum.
The award winning case demonstrates a unique removable implant concept for a patient complaining of ill-fitting dentures.
Improving the manufacturing of dental prosthetic devices with digital technology
Using digital technologies for prosthetic dentistry to save time, money, and increase results
Article discusses the techniques used in complete denture therapy and the option edentulism have in finding the best available treatments.
Since 2005, the digital design revolution has forever changed dentistry and dental technology. The manufacturing processes used for creating RPD frameworks have evolved to the technique the author is ...
The clinical report presents a case of a partially edentulous patient with an elevated degree of wear in the upper jaw caused by attrition and erosion, rehabilitated with a maxillary overlay removable...