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Crown & Bridge Articles

  • Matching Crown Restorations in the Esthetic Zone

    Steve Hoofard, CDT, AAACD, Edward Lowe, BSc, DMD, AAACD
    Inside Dental Technology - Nov/Dec 2010

    Material choice and communication protocol proves critical for optimal case outcome

  • Minimal Invasion - Maximum Esthetics

    Benjamin Votteler, MDT, Michael Fischer, DMD
    Inside Dental Technology - October 2010

    Replacing a restoration that is nearly 30 years old with one that is esthetic, natural-looking, and metal-free

  • No Grind Occlusion

    Richard Pavlak CDT, MDT, FNGS
    Inside Dental Technology - October 2010

    Technique allows precise occlusion without high-speed occlusal carving

  • Workshop - Taking Control of a Difficult Case

    Peter Pizzi, CDT, MDT, FNGS
    Inside Dental Technology - October 2010

    How to guide patients to accept treatment that will benefit them most

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