This article describes the process of digital impression taking for a stereolithographic model and its importance in attaining an optimal prosthesis.
A review of currently available CAD/CAM units for laboratories.
How do technicians restore a single central in a less than ideal situation? The answer is that we need to broaden our knowledge to the clinical side of dentistry, going beyond the technical.
Given the recent dramatic increase in full-contour zirconia restorations, it would not be surprising to see more laboratories adding sintering furnaces to their assortment of production equipment.
Reveiw of available technology for CAD/CAM restorative dentistry.
Integration of cone-beam CT scans with implant-scanning software offer laboratories greater precision in fabricating surgical guides and final restorative solutions
Describes the role of impressions and screw-retained basebars in successfully delivering state-of-the-art restorative work.
3d printing and laser sintering technologies dental laboratory industry
Key considerations that should make it onto every laboratory owner's 3-D scanner shopping list
An overview of the various types of machinable blocks for laboratory-based CAD/CAM systems
New developments that will propel dentistry even farther on the digital highway
Digitizing the oral environment or the physical impression offers the dentist and laboratory a promising opportunity.
Experiment with 3-D printing technology and denture design software take fully-automated production processes a step closer to reality
Major factors to consider before making a CAM milling machine purchase