GC America is proud to announce an enhancement in the working and setting time for G-CEM™ Capsules. G-CEM Self-Adhesive Resin Cement features an advanced formulation that offers unparalleled self-adhesive properties that seal and protect the tooth while eliminating sensitivity. A natural complement to the tooth surface, G-CEM enables clinicians to quickly and efficiently handle a variety of restorations with far better results- generating more satisfied patients in the process. By increasing the working and setting time for G-CEM Capsules, this now allows for G- CEM to be used in post and core indications as well. Working time has increased to three minutes. For metal, fiberglass and ceramic posts, clinicans can attach a GC Capsule Elongation Tip to the G- CEM Capsule. GC Capsule Elongation Tips allow for closer access to the working area.