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Inside Dentistry
December 2017
Volume 13, Issue 12

A Great Time to Be a Dentist

I just returned from my annual trip to the Greater New York Dental Meeting. It has become a tradition for my family to attend the Thanksgiving Day parade prior to the meeting. The city is always hustling and bustling with people, and the restaurants are some of the best in the world. The meeting itself was great, with numerous manufacturers showcasing their technology, including chairside mills and digital printers. The technology continues to get better and better. With costs coming down, I believe more and more dentists will begin to incorporate these newer technologies into their practices.

This month's issue of Inside Dentistry contains several interesting articles, including the cover story on direct restoratives—a topic which is near and dear to my heart. I attended the University of Iowa College of Dentistry and learned the importance of conservative dentistry from one of the greatest professors, Gerald E. Denehy, DDS. He taught me that composite resin was a wonderful material and introduced me to some great techniques. K. William “Buddy” Mopper, DDS, MS, a pioneer in composite resins, also had a profound influence on me. He would say, “You can't call yourself a cosmetic dentist if you don't do direct resins. If you only do porcelain, you're just a cutter and a paster.” Allison DiMatteo's article draws on the wisdom and expertise of some of the brightest minds in dentistry. I know you will enjoy it and gain a lot of knowledge.

Delve into one particular aspect of the direct restorative arena, anterior direct composite restorations, in this month's article by Jason Olitsky, DMD, AAACD. We're also excited to present an exceptional implantology article by Sundeep Rawal, DMD; Bobby Birdi, DMD, MSc; and Angus Barrie, RDT. Finally, this month's CE article on obstructive sleep apnea by Jamison R. Spencer, DMD, MS, and Shahrzad Firouzabadian, DDS, MS, is very informative as well. During the last few years, the dental treatment of sleep-disordered breathing has been one of the hottest topics in dentistry.

I hope you are enjoying the journal as much as I am enjoying being its editor-in-chief.

Robert C. Margeas, DDS

Editor-in-Chief, Inside Dentistry
Private Practice
Des Moines, Iowa

Adjunct Professor
Department of Operative Dentistry
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa

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