New Products
A: DrQuickLook PDA Tablet
The DrQuickLook PDA Tablet is portable, easy to use, and integration free. Capture and review intraoral/extraoral images with patients, utilizing features such as Quad View and Draw for detailed explanation and comparison. Manage risk with the included clinical videos and educate patients with optional PE videos.
B: iCoreExchange
iCoreExchange is the industry’s leading HIPAA-compliant email solution, meeting all HIPAA technical safeguards, assuring confidentiality of patient records, increasing dental office productivity, and protecting your practice from fines and violations. It uses the NHIN Direct protocol required by Meaningful Use stage 2, and also provides a secure way to email patients and referrals.
IonoStar Plus is a new glass ionomer restorative that offers a fast-set, immediate packability, non-stick handling, and enhanced physical properties. It comes in a new, easy-to-use direct-activation application capsule that fits virtually all branded glass ionomer applicators. IonoStar Plus is radiopaque, fluorescent, has a high continuous fluoride release, and does not require the use of a dentin conditioner.
D: LOCATOR F-Tx™ Attachment System
LOCATOR F-Tx is a simplified, timesaving fixed attachment system for full-arch restorations with no compromise to prosthesis strength or esthetics. Optimized for efficiency and timesavings compared to conventional screw-retained systems, LOCATOR F-Tx features a novel, “snap-in” attachment that eliminates the potential for sub-gingival cement and the need for retaining screws.
The GEM is an easy-to-use pulse oximeter home monitoring system that assesses the functioning of the airway of a patient using SpO2 and variations in heart rate to help measure how well the airway functions during sleep. The oxim- eter then transmits the data to a Galaxy tablet for storage and processing.
F: Ceramic Success Kit
Premier Dental’s market-leading rotary tooth prepa- ration, tissue management, and nishing/polishing products are packaged together with a step-by-step technique in a Ceramic Success Kit that ensures successful ceramic restorations. Dentists can con- dently use the kit to help transition from PFMs to all-ceramic restorations as well when moving from traditional impression making to digital scanning.