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Inside Dentistry
February 2016
Volume 12, Issue 2

CariVu™ Caries Detection Device

Patented technology featuring transillumination

DEXIS CariVu is a compact, portable caries detection device that uses patented transillumination technology to support the identification of occlusal, interproximal, and recurrent carious lesions, as well as cracks.

By hugging the tooth and bathing it in safe, near-infrared light, CariVu makes the enamel appear transparent while porous lesions trap and absorb the light. This tool allows the clinician to see through the tooth, exposing the actual structure of any carious lesions with very high accuracy. “With its near infrared transillumination technology, I find cracks and types of caries that I could not see on x-ray,” said William J. McKibben, DDS. “In conjunction with other technologies, such as digital x-ray and magnification, this caries detection device is a new and powerful tool for me, and, even better, the payback has been quick.”

Similar in appearance, DEXIS CariVu images read like familiar x-ray images—lesions will appear as dark areas. This provides an edge over fluorescent imaging technologies in that there is no need to clean the tooth of bacteria, calibrate the device, or understand color codes or numeric indicators. Since transillumination can show lesions in the beginning stages, using CariVu during routine prophylaxis can aid the hygienist in identifying questionable areas early on and decide on a course of preventive care. If a suspicious area is identified on a radiograph—especially possible interproximal decay, which can be more difficult to detect—the “second opinion” can be a transilluminated image that reveals the extent of the condition.

“CariVu not only allows us to see and verify what shows on our radiographs, but it also allows us a view we’ve never had before so that we can catch caries sooner,” said Eileen Boren, RDH, a Certified DEXIS Instructor. The CariVu image can help determine whether the tooth needs monitoring over time or requires immediate treatment. To see CariVu in action, visit

*CariVu uses no ionizing radiation. Proximal dentin lesions represented in CariVu images correlate to the actual condition in the tooth with 99% accuracy.


• Easy-to-read images that look similar to x-rays
• Emits no ionizing radiation*
• Detects caries with 99% accuracy
• Offers a diagnostic tool for patients when x-rays are difficult or unwanted
• Allows dental clinicians to discover cracks and occlusal, interproximal, and recurrent caries

Video Resource

To see a clinical case presentation that utilizes CariVu, visit

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