The authors tested whether a novel dental gauge that adjusts the mandibular position in both anterior-posterior (A-P) and vertical directions would improve the airway opening. A pilot study of nine pa...
This article reviews the rationale, techniques, and advantages of a guided full-arch immediatefunction implant treatment modality that includes placement of a prefabricated, bar-supported, monolithic ...
This case report documents the rationale and procedure for bonding a veneered zirconia restoration. The case demonstrates that, when properly designed, veneered zirconia restorations offer acceptable ...
Much attention has been focused on peri-implant disease, particularly in regard to its prevalence and the need to develop proper therapeutic approaches and modalities for its treatment.
A brief history of speech and swallow prostheses is presented along with recommendations for diagnosis and referral.
General dentists can be the bridge between physicians and maxillofacial prosthodontists in monitoring head and neck cancer in patients. This article highlights milestones leading to the modern-day obt...
Four techniques are described that either reduce the flow of excessive cement or eliminate it altogether while maintaining proper occlusion without compromising the esthetics of implant-retained resto...
Interim restorations serve as a diagnostic as well as biologic and biomechanical component of fixed prosthodontics treatment. This article discusses factors to be considered when choosing provisional ...
In a case involving a patient with scleroderma, the authors demonstrate how to treatment plan and sequence the transition from a failing restored dentition to complete implant-supported fixed prosthes...
Alterations of the vestibule and mucobuccal fold are valuable adjuncts in periodontal-prosthetic management. Appreciation, understanding, and proper utilization of recommended procedures will contribu...
This case, which involved the use of a titanium understructure that was designed and fabricated using CAD/CAM technology, illustrates how far dentistry has come in the past 35 years.
This clinical report details the stepby- step process—with a rationale for each step—for one patient who elected to reconstruct a maxillary arch with an implantsupported fixed prosthesis.
This is a case report of the successful periodontal and prosthesis treatment in a patient with AA, chronic diffuse gingivitis, excessive tooth caries that interfered with mastication, painful oral les...
In the case presented, emphasis was placed on patient–clinician communication to correctly facilitate the desired clinical result. The final restoration consisted of a maxillary removable, implant-a...
This article features the case of an elderly woman who presented for treatment of painful intraoral mucosal blisters and erosions beneath her dentures and was diagnosed with potentially fatal epidermo...