Effective collaboration between the periodontist and restorative dentist is vital to achieve high-quality interdisciplinary outcomes when replacing teeth with implants in the esthetic zone.
Laboratories now offer dentists chairside consulting and all-digital services
Using the canvas cutback technique to preserve lingual strength and maintain the full occlusal anatomical table in a monolithic restoration.
Choosing no-preparation veneers can be the most esthetic and cosmetic enhancement when diagnosed properly for the patient.
This article describes a chairside technique for fabrication of esthetic interim restorations using prefabricated polycarbonate facings backed with autopolymerizing acrylic resin.
This case of occlusal dysfunction depicts a comprehensive restorative plan that included disease control treatment, root canal therapy, and orthodontics. A Kois deprogrammer was used to evaluate the p...
Cooperation is key in creating customized, CAD/CAM-fabricated restorations
Guidelines for predictably capturing the detail and occlusal morphology the laboratory needs to create successful C&B restorations
Case report describing the platinum-foil technique for veneers.
Review of optical principles for esthetics in three materials
A discussion of why good dental photography is integral to successful lab communication
Being an effective communicator provides a crucial edge to both dentists and ceramists in today’s quickly developing technological marketplace.
The treatment of a traumatically damaged single central incisor poses significant challenges relative to function and esthetics to the restoring clinician. Providing a good long-term prognosis is para...
The case presentation discussed in this article illustrates the versatility, ease of use, and optimal clinical and esthetic results possible with the proper application of a team-based approach to the...