This article discusses the durability of adhesive bonds in restorative dentistry.
One of the most troubling trends in dentistry today is the free substitution of products by both foreign and domestic laboratories.
A review of the physics of light curing and clinical applications of the technology to improve restorations
Current perspectives on the evolution of techniques and materials
Using whitening to treat the single dark non-vital anterior tooth
The range of restorative options available to dentists has changed dramatically over the past 30 years
Case report and discussion of the advantages of immediate dentin sealing
Treating cracked teeth biomimetically can optimize clinical results
The allogeneic, synthetic and xenogeneic tissues have shown excellent results in the short term
A review of new materials available for post and core procedures
The authors use classification systems based on the microstructural components of ceramics and the processing techniques to help illustrate the various properties and uses.
titanium, with the correct tools, this highly biocompatible material can benefit the laboratory, the dentist, and the patient
The most critical improvements have come in the filler particles
2011 technology update on CAD/CAM materials
Several improvements have led to the ability to achieve more accurate impressions