This case report highlights a clinical approach for achieving predictable anterior esthetics that involves atraumatic tooth removal without flap elevation.
Surgical considerations for implant complications are provided, along with restorative solutions for correcting failures.
Various considerations necessary for implant placement at the time of mandibular molar extraction are discussed, including several recently advocated treatment options.
Challenges to consider in a full-arch dental implant rehabilitation
Our 2012 Annual Technology Review with 14 key opinion leaders reviewing 14 major technology categories
Three treatment approaches for the impacted cuspid
Provides insight and benefactors on how custom implant abutments can help the laboratory and give the technician more control over support and esthetics.
In this 4-month case series, patients were treated with an innovative biphasic calcium sulfate graft, demonstrating its ability to preserve or augment socket volume and resorb in a timely fashion.
The aim of this case series was to systematically evaluate the development and maturation of augmented bone in the maxillary sinus using ß-tricalcium phosphate.
A retrospective analysis was performed of 12 consecutive patients who received implant placement with concurrent restorations in the maxillary premolar region as part of the General Practice Residency...
This clinical report details the stepby- step process—with a rationale for each step—for one patient who elected to reconstruct a maxillary arch with an implantsupported fixed prosthesis.
Explains the specifics of the Rules of 10 guidelines for treatment planning implant therapy in the edentulous mandible
Describes the various techniques used for socket preservation.
Tissue-engineering strategies, principles, and clinical applications of recombinant proteins to implant dentistry
In the case presented, emphasis was placed on patient–clinician communication to correctly facilitate the desired clinical result. The final restoration consisted of a maxillary removable, implant-a...