An efficient, cost-effective approach for long-term success
Small steps that add up to a successfully restored fixture
Using digital photos to exceed expectation in complex prosthetic cases.
The author discusses techniques that address issues involving the predictable removal of cement-retained implant crowns, including locating the access and stripped screws.
Transitioning from conventional film to digital radiography offers both advantages and limitations. This study presents the results of the evaluation of the physical design of eight CMOS digital intra...
Providing function and esthetics with implant-supported hybrid prostheses
Treatment planning for dental implants has improved dramatically over the past three decades, with today’s imaging technologies allowing clinicians to assess patient-specific anatomy before the scal...
Combining CAD/CAM technologies with the use of coded healing abutments facilitates and simplifies the ability to deliver highquality adjacent implant restorations.
This open-label study characterizes the nature of postsurgical pain following implant placement and explores the analgesic efficacy and tolerability of intranasal ketorolac in this patient population.
The dental technology industry as a whole is undergoing a paradigm shift, thus changing what we do and how we do it—all to the ultimate benefit of the patient.
This article provides a basic understanding of differences and similarities between the periodontal and peri-implant tissues at the histologic, clinical, and immunologic levels.
The All-on-4 technique can benefit patients needing a full-arch, implant-supported fixed restoration. This case report examines the use of All-on-4 combined with CT-guided technology.
The author demonstrates the value of synergy between the periodontist and restorative dentist in achieving a cost-effective immediate restoration of full-arch dental implants in the mandible.
General principles regarding implant placement in the maxillary molar areas are discussed, along with various restorative considerations.
This article assesses the literature regarding dental implants’ ability to maintain vertical bone height after placement. Studies are also reviewed to determine if bone loss after implant insertion ...