The i-CAT FLX features 3D cone-beam technology, enabling dentists to quickly diagnose complex problems and develop treatment plans more easily and accurately.
Practice-based research was conducted to assess professional in-office treatment of dentin hypersensitivity with a strip-based device as part of a recall visit.
In a clinical study, use of 1.5% oxalate gel strips yielded similar benefits as professionally applied oxalate treatments for adults with recession-based dentin hypersensitivity.
A randomized clinical trial showed immediate and durable sensitivity relief for 1.5% oxalate strips and superior response when compared head-to-head versus a potassium nitrate dentifrice.
This investigation compared the effectiveness of several popular over-the-counter antisensitivity product technologies using a novel in vitro model. The oxalate-coated strip demonstrated markedly enha...
The objective of this research was to evaluate the performance of a polyethylene strip coated with an oxalate-containing gel to occlude patent tubuli in human dentin.
Clinical and laboratory investigations show a novel system, comprised of thin polyethylene strips coated with a 1.5% oxalate gel, provides immediate and durable relief for dentin hypersensitivity.
Procter & Gamble has conducted studies demonstrating the efficacy of an innovative oxalate gel-based technology for treatment of dentin hypersensitivity. This special supplement to Compendium presents...
Understanding a condition that presents tremendous opportunity for dental laboratories
This case report, which involves a male patient who presented with severe attrition, discusses a method for delivering treatment while dispersing its cost over several years.
Careful attention to which kind of temporary suits each situation can enhance the overall cost efficiency of the practice.
Experts address the question,"Is chairside CAD/CAM the future?"
Nutrition, oral hygiene, and probiotics are some of the key factors that help dental patients not just fight disease, but promote good quality of life.
The case demonstrates the principles of risk-based treatment planning and discusses challenges involved in identifying and evaluating all the evidence to maximize restorative treatment plan success.
This article, which highlights a long-term case report, describes a protocol for nonvital bleaching of significantly discolored anterior teeth and offers numerous pragmatic tips for practitioners.