C. Douglas Weir, DDS, MSD
C. Douglas Weir, DDS, MSD, has a long history of happy denture patients. Practicing prosthodontics in Mitchell, Indiana, he says "an unclean denture is like a petri dish in the patient's mouth," so he recommends a home-care hygiene routine with Dr. B Dental Solutions.
1. Why is home care for cleaning and maintaining digital dentures important
Almost all denture-wearers will experience complications from oral infections, dry mouth, and/or soreness over time. This is a natural result of the bacteria in the gut colonizing on the denture in the mouth, complicated by inhibited saliva production. A patient's long-term satisfaction depends on how they feel using the denture, so giving patients the knowledge and tools to prevent those common issues can make a major difference in the denture experience.
2. Why do you recommend Dr. B Dental Solutions for digital dentures?
These decisions are so important because our patients are real people, so the stakes are high. What I like most about the BDS is the support I get from Sterngold to help me define what will work best in my practice. They have helped me to work with the laboratory in developing and designing a process that works well for me and helps me deliver more durable prosthetics than ever for my patients.
3. How have you incorporated Dr. B Dental Solutions into your office protocol?
My team is trained to educate patients about the importance of denture hygiene and give a starter set of the Dr. B system with every case. To make it easy, Dr. B also provides free info-cards with cleaning instructions and online discounts. The cost is negligible compared to the treatment price, but it adds enormous long-term value for the patients.
4. What have the results been?
I've seen a dramatic decrease in denture patients with oral infections and dry mouth. They love the way the products feel and many have referred friends to me. Just a few minutes discussing proper home-care with the right products translates into happier and healthier patients.