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Inside Dental Technology
December 2019
Volume 10, Issue 12

What Your Dentists Are Reading

Understand dentists’ needs by learning about their challenges

Many of the forces impacting dental laboratories originate from the pressing issues in dental practices, from financial security to changes in patient/consumer dynamics to the latest treatments. An awareness of these trends on the clinical side of dentistry can help laboratories better understand and meet their clients' needs. The following are hot topics that have been addressed in 2019 in Inside Dental Technology's sister publication, Inside Dentistry.

Trends in Dentistry

The day-to-day requirements of treating patients and (for some) managing a practice can occupy so much of a dentist's time that it may be easy to neglect to keep abreast of trends among peers. Inside Dentistry compiled data from various sources, including surveys of its own readers, to provide a snapshot of the current state of dentistry.
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Playing the Long Game

As the average retirement age of dentists continues to increase on a yearly basis, they can no longer rely on standard retirement principles to secure their financial future. Designing an effective retirement plan requires more than navigating the ebb and flow of the economy.
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Next to Nature

During the past 20 years, bioactive, biomimetic, and even bioregenerative materials have entered the marketplace, ushering in new opportunities for dentists to change the way that they provide preventive, reparative, and functionally esthetic treatments to their patients. To elucidate these opportunities, Inside Dentistry explored some of the advancements in materials, how they are shaping current restorative treatment protocols, and what the implications are for the future.
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Do-It-Yourself Dentistry

Rapid changes in imaging technology, social media, telehealth, e-commerce, and demographics have converged to fundamentally change how dental treatments are purchased. The patient is now a consumer. Cosmetic dentistry is a commodity. And credibility is provided by other consumers rather than the professionals.
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Spotlight on Implants

Dental implant treatment processes and workflows continue to evolve. When it is time to place implants and the subsequent restorations, automated and computer-aided processes are helping dental professionals pursue individualized treatment plans that achieve new levels of accuracy and precision.
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Airway Management in Restorative Dentistry

The problem of obstructive sleep apnea looms large in the US. In recent years, the fabrication of nightguards, splints, and other oral appliances has been seen as a source of financial opportunity for many. However, the way that dentistry approaches the issue of sleep is evolving, specifically, into a field known as airway management. (Note: A version of this article also appeared in IDT).
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Digital Dentistry Data

The speed of technological advancement demands that dental practices make numerous decisions about their software and hardware solutions in order to remain current and stay flexible for future innovation. Open systems provide interoperability and allow dental offices to access their own data on any software.
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Reversal of Fortune

Recent advancements in dental materials have led to treatments that offer greater long-term durability. However, the overwhelming acceptance and frequent placement of these materials has simultaneously resulted in an increase in incidences in which dentists face more difficult challenges removing restorations. Inside Dentistry explored techniques that can be utilized when the need for removal becomes inevitable.
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Opioids: A Prescription for Change

In 2017, an unfortunate record was set: 47,600 Americans died from overdoses that involved opioids. Dentists often develop long-term relationships with patients, and are in a unique position to screen for substance abuse and help access available resources. This article examines the trends that may have contributed to the increased incidence of misuse, and discusses how dentistry is changing its approach to pain management accordingly.
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How Do Your Preparations Measure Up?

At a time when conservative and minimally invasive dental treatments have taken center stage in professional and patient literature, preserving tooth structure while simultaneously accommodating restorative needs can challenge dentists and laboratories alike. In this article, Inside Dentistry assists dentists in determining how their preparations measure up in terms of restorative objectives, material qualities, and most importantly, individual case characteristics in order to ensure the function and long-term predictability of the restorative treatments they provide.
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The Dentist & the Laboratory

The more sound a dentist's relationship is with their trusted dental laboratory, the better the end result is for the patient's well-being and the dentist's professional life. To help practices forge ahead and achieve the best outcomes, six industry leaders share their perspectives on the dentist/laboratory relationship and explain how to realize the greatest advantages in a way that is mutually beneficial.
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The Next Generation Speaks

Shifting generational and gender-balance dynamics are reshaping every aspect of the dental industry from school to retirement. Though the dental industry is still dominated by baby boomers, the millennial generation is shaping the future and setting new trends. Inside Dentistry interviewed a diverse group of young dentists to learn more about the future of dentistry and the amazing change that this generation is creating in terms of technology, research, education, advocacy, and leadership.
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