Strong and Efficient Core Buildup Materials
The long-term success of an indirect restoration hinges on the clinician's ability to provide a stable foundation on which to build. Therefore, selecting a quality buildup material is one of the most critical steps in the indirect restorative process. Unfortunately, there is no true one-size-fits-all approach in dentistry. Different types of cases require different materials, and materials vary significantly in the properties that they exhibit. Although there may not be a true one-size-fits-all option for buildups, a strong argument may be made for an alternative "couple-sizes-fit-most" compromise.
Regarding consistency and reliability, Core-Flo™ DC and Core-Flo™ DC Lite are a cut above the rest and, therefore, key components of my everyday armamentarium. The properties of these two materials satisfy the needs of nearly every case that requires deep margin elevation or the rebuilding of missing tooth structure. Core-Flo DC and Core-Flo DC Lite are definitely my go-to buildup materials in my practice.
Cases involving deep margin elevation and post-endodontic buildups often pose challenges for clinicians due to limited restorative space, especially with the push for more conservative endodontic accesses. Furthermore, the deep subgingival placement required in deep margin elevation cases necessitates the use of a buildup material with superior flow to prevent the creation of voids and ensure adequate adaptation on contour against the matrices. The lower viscosity and self-leveling features of Core-Flo DC Lite make it ideal for these types of cases. In addition, the narrow tip of its auto-mix dual syringe facilitates easier delivery of the material to the most apical aspects of restorations.
In clinical cases in which a significant amount of tooth structure is missing supragingivally, such as those involving fractured teeth or teeth with large carious lesions, accessibility for material placement is not as challenging; however, the need for void-free placement is still critical, as well as high compressive and flexural strength. The stackability and ease of placement of Core-Flo DC makes it ideal for these cases because it allows the clinician to maintain complete control during placement without wasting any excess material.
When cutting both Core-Flo DC and Core-Flo DC Lite, the tactile feedback is nearly identical to cutting dentin. I find that my final preparations are smooth with a virtually indistinguishable transition from material to tooth structure. And finally, both materials are dual cure, which further ensures complete polymerization through chemical curing after the light-curing process.
Although there may not be a single material that can truly do it all, for most cases, the properties of Core-Flo DC and Core-Flo DC Lite allow me to provide my patients with the strongest, most reliable, and consistent outcomes for indirect restorative success.
Key Takeaways
1. The stackability and consistency of Core-Flo™ DC facilitate ease of placement and adaptation with no waste
2. The lower viscosity and self-leveling features of Core-Flo DC Lite make it ideal for deep placement without voids
3. Dual-cure mode ensures complete polymerization when treating deep margin elevation cases as well as sealing endodontic accesses
4. Low shrinkage properties and high compressive and flexural strength permit effective dentin replacement with longevity
Devin McClintock, DDS
Associate Dentist
Williamsburg, Virginia
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