iCore Exchange
Figure 1 | iMedicor’s iCoreExchange is a cloud-based messaging platform with enhanced protections meeting all five legally required HIPAA technical safeguards for transmitting protected health information in a safe, secure, and encrypted manner.
By utilizing the “DIRECT” protocol, the federal standard for moving patient health information from doctor to doctor, iCoreExchange provides confidence that the information being transmitted is secure and has been received from a verified, trusted source. DIRECT satisfies two of the five HIPAA technical safeguards—authentication (164.312 d) and audit control (164.312 b). In addition to 2,048 bit encryption (16 times the industry standard requirement of 256 bit), iCoreExchange incorporates “MicroTokenization,” the most innovative methodology for protecting sensitive data by ensuring that each email within the account is individually encrypted.
The iCoreExchange cloud-based platform provides superior security because protected health information is never downloaded or left on the computer hard drive or servers. The exchange platform provides unlimited access through any computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone via the internet, eliminating the need for IT support and the requirement for upgrading hardware and software.
End users can manage both secure and non-secure email (ie, Yahoo and Gmail) through a user-friendly, easily navigated dashboard with the convenience of a single sign on. Recipients (patients and other clinicians) can easily recognize email communications from their provider with customized messaging templates that clearly identify the practice through the subject line, header, body, and footer messages within the email.
In addition to secure messaging, iCoreExchange is a National Health Information Exchange (HIE), allowing for easy global collaboration and sharing of critical patient data both inside and outside of the exchange domain. Collaboration requiring transferring x-rays or very large files is as simple as “drag and drop,” a capability not commonly found in cloud-based solutions. iCoreExchange has no file size restrictions, eliminating bothersome roadblocks to fast seamless file sharing. Exchange members have the tools to identify other providers by location or specialty through the global address book, creating a network of healthcare professionals within the iCoreExchange platform. This network of providers can share referrals and communicate in a secure, HIPAA-compliant manner.
iCoreExchange does not reside on a public domain, so in addition to unparalleled security, the platform also prevents spam, ransom ware, phishing attacks, and potentially destructive viruses. Finally, iCoreExchange provides continuous redundant backup for precious practice data at one of iMedicor’s three data centers located throughout the United States.
Product Highlights
• Meets all five required HIPAA technical safeguards for transmitting protected health information
• User-friendly, easily navigated dashboard
• Simple “drag and drop” method of transferring x-rays or very large files
• No file size restrictions
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