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Inside Dentistry
March 2016
Volume 12, Issue 3

Your Armamentarium

DrQuickLook SD Plus™

This all-in-one intraoral camera and multi-function touch device allows dentists to capture, quickly display, and review images with patients on the touchscreen. With the inclusion of an extraoral camera, clinicians can also photograph upper or lower occlusal views, or lateral dental shots, and save the images to the SD card.

Planmeca FIT Open CAD/CAM System

With the complete system that includes the Planmeca PlanScan® scanner, laptop with PlanCAD® design software and Romexis® compatibility, and the PlanMill 40®, patient treatment planning has never been so easy. Integrate CAD/CAM into your workflow to process precise digital impressions, and then work with your labs for an accurate working environment.

NobelParallel Conical Connection (CC)

NobelParallel CC optimizes implant placement and emergence profiles in large molar sockets. It is engineered for use in all bone qualities and for a wide range of indications. Both experienced clinicians and those new to implantology will appreciate NobelParallel CC’s straightforward surgical protocol.

ANEW Narrow Body Implants

ANEW Narrow Body Implants are ideal for use in areas of limited bone width, mesial-distal space, or converging roots. ANEW has a screw-retained prosthetic system with more than 10 years of clinical research to support safe and reliable long-term use.

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