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Inside Dentistry
May 2015
Volume 11, Issue 5

Retraction & Hemostasis


Premier Dental

Figure 1 | Until now, clinicians have used a variety of materials and techniques to achieve tissue retraction and control bleeding, with varying degrees of success. Traxodent is an advanced retraction and hemostatic system with proven, predictable results–for use prior to impression making, cementation, bonding procedures, or wherever hemostasis and retraction are required.

Traxodent stops bleeding and crevicular seepage; its absorbent paste displaces soft tissue and works synergistically with the astringent qualities of aluminum chloride to create retraction. When compared to packing gingival retraction cord, Traxodent with a compression cap is considerably more comfortable for the patient–and requires only a few moments to complete.

One of the most important attributes of Traxodent is the predictability of the results. This is critically important for a clinician–having confidence that a material is going to consistently provide a dry, well-retracted field. With Traxodent, there's no question.

Watch Premier Dental's video to learn about Traxodent's fast, effective retraction and hemostasis at


• Contains 15% aluminum chloride–a proven hemostatic agent

• Quick, effective retraction (2 minutes)

• Minimized tissue trauma

• Dispensed directly fromergonomic syringe

• Increased patient comfort

DryZ™ Retraction Paste | Parkell, Inc.

Figure 2 | Parkell's DryZ Retraction Paste stops gingival bleeding and seepage that may interfere with impression taking. It's also ideal for seating restorations, teeth whitening, and other aspects of restorative dentistry. DryZ is easily placed and removed, leaving no residue to interfere with impressions or seating of restorations. It's easy to detect where DryZ has been placed, as its light green color contrasts with surrounding gingiva, blood, and tooth structure.

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