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Inside Dentistry
November 2014
Volume 10, Issue 11

A Simple Relining Technique Using MucoHARD

Ensuring stability of an implant-supported overdenture

Jordan Freed, DDS

My patient, Mr. O., presented with four healing abutments in the edentulous maxillary arch. Prior to his visit, I had fabricated a complete denture for him. His healing abutments were removed and replaced with the locator abutments to be used inside the denture, having made sure to choose locator abutments with platform heights that were slightly above the tissue level.

The complete denture was then lined with pressure-indicating paste and seated over the abutments so a visual check could be made indicating the corresponding areas in the denture that needed to be hollowed out for placement of the locators. Care was taken to allow removal of enough of the denture acrylic to accommodate both the locators and the MucoHARD relining material. A good check for this is to insert the hollowed-out denture and confirm that it seats fully and the bite is correct before proceeding further.

After double-checking that all locators were fully snapped onto their abutments and removing all pressure-indicating paste, I pipetted the MucoHARD adhesive in the wells of the denture, and then carefully spread the adhesive evenly over the entire surface of the wells with a disposable brush. I allowed it to sit undisturbed for 2 minutes.

Next, I double-bled the MucoHARD reline material cartridge, first straight from the cartridge onto a mixing pad and then with a tip attached to be sure that both barrels were expressing and mixing properly. I then dispensed the reline material directly into the denture wells, and inserted the denture, taking care that the patient’s bite was correct and the denture was fully seated. I immediately expressed a small amount of MucoHARD onto a mixing pad to use as an indicator for setting time.

Since very little MucoHARD material is used, sensitivity to the heat generated during processing is minimal. Care must be taken that the MucoHARD material is fully set before the appliance is removed.

A suggestion to processing these attachments is to do two at a time until your comfort level allows you to do multiples of that at one time.

Once the MucoHARD completely cured, the denture was then removed, and excess flash adjusted. Any voids were filled by adding additional MucoHARD and re-seating the appliance, following the above procedures.

Key Takeaways

• Easy dispensing

• Translucent shade blends well with denture bases

• Thixotropic-material stays in place

• Also ideal for post-damming and full chairside relines

For more information, contact:

Parkell, Inc.

About the Author

Jordan Freed, DDS, has maintained a successful private dental practice in Huntington, New York, for more than 20 years. He maintained a position as clinical assistant professor in the department of oral medicine at NYU College of Dentistry from 1987 to 1995. A member of the Suffolk County Dental Society and the American Dental Association, Dr. Freed has focused on general, cosmetic, and implant dentistry. He completed intensive post-graduate coursework at NYU College of Dentistry, and has been accorded diplomate status from the International Congress of Oral Implantologists.

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