Innovations in Periodontics
Friday, January 31, 2020 - Expires January 31, 2022
Volume 41 eBook 2
Before a patient can be treated for a periodontal condition, it is important for the oral healthcare team to understand the case by having an accurate diagnosis. Knowing how the condition can be classified is a means toward that goal. This special Compendium eBook provides two continuing education (CE) articles to assist practitioners and their teams in understanding classifications for diagnosis that will lead to optimum patient care. Download to earn 4 FREE CEU now!
CE 1: Dental Implant Maintenance for the Oral Healthcare Team
Penny Hatzimanolakis, Dipl. DH, BDSc, MSc; Ioannis Tsourounakis, DDS, MSc, Cert. Perio; and Anastasia Kelekis-Cholakis, DMD, Dipl. Perio
This first CE article provides an overview of dental implant maintenance. The article includes the most up-to-date classification information to aid in diagnosis and treatment. The anatomic features of peri-implant tissues are explained as the article discusses the necessary steps to diagnose peri-implant diseases, including peri-implant mucositis, peri-implantitis, and peri-implant soft-tissue deficiencies. Additionally, available treatment protocols to maintain or recover peri-implant health are described.
Credits: 2 Self-Study CEU
Cost: $0
Provider: AEGIS Publications, LLC
CE 2: Gummy Smile and Short Tooth Syndrome: Etiopathogenesis, Classification, and Diagnostic Guidelines
Antonello F. Pavone, DDS; Marjan Ghassemian, BDS, DDS; and Simone Verardi, DDS, MSD
As an introduction to treatment for patients with the condition of “gummy smile” and short tooth syndrome, the second CE article describes the etiopathogenesis of the condition and presents a classification system for diagnostic guidelines. Treating patients with gummy smiles and improving smile esthetics has become an integral part of dentistry.
Credits: 2 Self-Study CEU
Cost: $0
Provider: AEGIS Publications, LLC