Bioactive Restorative Materials in Dentistry
Monday, September 9, 2019
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Volume 40 eBook 20
This Compendium eBook features a continuing education (CE) article that focuses on potential benefits of materials used for direct restorations with claims of bioactivity—specifically, their ability to release calcium and precipitate hydroxyapatite on their surface. This eBook also describes a clinical case of the use of a bioactive restorative material with a successful immediate result. Download to earn 2 FREE CEU now!
Bioactive Restorative Materials in Dentistry
Nathaniel Lawson, DMD, PhD
“Bioactive” has become a buzzword in dentistry and has been used to describe many different types of dental materials. This review will focus on potential benefits of materials used for direct restorations with claims of bioactivity—specifically, their ability to release calcium and precipitate hydroxyapatite on their surface. The potential benefit of calcium release is the ability to prevent demineralization of surrounding tooth structure. Several bioactive materials have shown calcium release; however, evidence for the ability to prevent demineralization is scarce. Bioactive materials have also shown hydroxyapatite on their surfaces. The evidence for this deposited hydroxyapatite to form at the interface between the restorative material and the tooth is needed. Therefore, an adhesive should still be used with these materials. The article also describes a clinical case of the use of a bioactive restorative material with a successful immediate result.
Credits: 2 Self-Study CEU
Cost: $0
Provider: AEGIS Publications, LLC