BISCO ALL-BOND UNIVERSAL®: A Reliable, Effective One-Bottle Adhesive Solution
When it comes to adhesive dentistry, “traditional methods, such as total-etch using the wet-bonding technique and 4th generation adhesives, remain competitive,” says Paul L. Child Jr., DMD, CDT, Executive Vice President, BISCO Dental Products. “However, self-etch adhesives have greatly simplified the adhesive process and have been shown to be the new ‘gold standard’ in dentin bonding when combined with the selective-etch technique and,” he adds, “are here to stay.”
An increasing number of clinicians have turned to self-etch adhesives to eliminate sensitivity issues associated with the total-etch technique, Child notes. While self-etch adhesives can also be technique-sensitive, though to a lesser degree, he says there is now more research support that has shown self-etch adhesives may adhere more durably to dentin than total-etch adhesives. This is why, he says, new universal adhesives are ideal: they can be used as a self-etch on dentin and selective-etch on enamel, providing the ultimate bond to either substrate.

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Calling BISCO “the adhesive company,” Child says BISCO takes pride in knowing that its chemistry is based on sound research and science, and that the company is one of the leaders in innovation of adhesive technology. BISCO has won the loyalty of its customers, he says, by offering high-quality, competitively priced adhesives for more than 30 years.
“Our customers are loyal to the ALL-BOND® brand and expect only the best from our products,” Child says. These products include an array of adhesives, like the new ALL-BOND UNIVERSAL®, a light-cured, single-component dental bonding agent that combines etching, priming, and bonding in one bottle. ALL-BOND UNIVERSAL, Child says, is the culmination of over 30 years of adhesive research and development; it is compatible with all restorative materials, he says, and can be used for the bonding of both direct and indirect restorations, with or without a phosphoric acid etchant. An ideal solution for everyday reliability and effective performance, ALL-BOND UNIVERSAL is an ethanol/water-based dental adhesive that bonds to dentin and to cut and uncut enamel. It offers technique flexibility for total-etch, self-etch, and selective-etch procedures, yields virtually no postoperative sensitivity, and features low film thickness (less than 10 µm).
To support clinicians in their use of BISCO products, the company sponsors numerous lectures, workshops, and hands-on courses on the proper use of adhesives to ensure maximum effectiveness. They also offer clinicians the option to speak one-on-one with technical specialists who can walk them through the techniques and answer any questions they may have, Child adds.
Child expects adhesive dentistry to continue to expand due to the growing demand for minimally invasive dentistry and greater scientific understanding driving improvements. “It’s amazing that we are still learning about the dentin and enamel structure, its function in repair and regeneration, and how we can best treat the patient,” he says. Adhesion in dentistry, he explains, is more than just bonding a direct resin-based composite restoration. “It has evolved to a level that reaches into almost every aspect and specialty of dentistry. Adhesives in dentistry will keep improving and continue to allow for an increase in what we define as minimally invasive dentistry.”
Looking ahead, Child says much of the current research in adhesives is based on improving the longevity and durability of the bond over time. “As we learn more about the role of enzymes and other contributing factors, adhesive dentistry will continue to advance and provide more durable bonds,” he maintains. In addition, he notes, bioactive materials and antimicrobial agents are being researched to help accomplish these goals.
“BISCO will continue to include these areas in its research and use them to advance the current effectiveness of adhesives in dentistry,” Child says. With more than three decades of experience, clinicians can expect BISCO to continue to lead adhesive technology innovation.
1100 West Irving Park Rd
Schaumburg, IL 60193