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September 2012
Volume 33, Issue 8

Hiossen: Helping Educate Clinicians with Advanced Implant Courses

With dental implants enjoying an extremely high success rate these days of around 95% and higher, both patients and practitioners, naturally, are feeling more and more confident with this restoration solution. Subsequently, implants have become an increasingly popular option for both parties. A growing trend, says Bob Lee, Executive Director of Hiossen, is that as comfort levels grow, general practitioners are starting to place implants in their own offices, rather than refer patients out to a surgeon. According to Lee, implants are close to becoming a standard treatment option for edentulous patients, and Hiossen is dedicated to ensuring that clinicians looking to adapt the procedure are thoroughly prepared and have access to the best tools and materials.

The Hiossen Implant System gives clinicians a wide selection of fixtures and prosthetic options, many of which feature improved product design and surface treatment. Implants from Hiossen range in diameter from 2.5 mm to 7 mm, and some designs offer platform switching for minimal bone loss.

Hiossen’s most popular implant, the ET III SA Implant, has a sandblasted and acid-etched (SA) surface. The SA surface of the ET III shortens bone-healing time and improves secondary attachment force. The ET III’s optimal body design features a number of different threads that help to prevent bone necrosis, reinforce fixture strength and stability, and facilitate easy path change. The internal hex design of the ET III is available in four different diameters: 3.5, 4, 4.5, and 5 mm.

Lee says that Hiossen’s Implant System gives clinicians a “complete implant package.” The system offers not only the implants themselves, but also the most advanced and thorough training courses possible. “Hiossen is deeply invested in our clinicians’ abilities, and we really do everything we can to be sure they are prepared when they perform implant surgery,” says Lee.

Hiossen’s educational program is referred to as Advanced Implant Courses, or AIC. “Hiossen has both basic and advanced implantology courses. The basic course is a 6-day, six-session course that covers the basics of implants. We go over patient diagnosis, case selection, product understanding, prosthetics, and abutments, and the course also features a live surgery on the final day,” says Lee.

However, the program differs from many others in that the live surgery performed at the end of the course is not done by the course directors—it is done by the attending clinicians. While learning the basics during the AIC course, clinicians also spend time with the course directors planning their own implant case. “Once you complete our basic course, you will have already done at least one implant surgery on your own,” Lee explains.

Hiossen sales representatives also receive specialized training in order to assist clinicians with implant cases. “After a clinician completes an AIC course, a Hiossen sales rep will visit his or her office to assist the clinician with any questions, and will remain at the practice until the clinician becomes comfortable performing the surgery on their own,” says Lee.

Hiossen also makes attending its courses as convenient as possible for clinicians all over the country. “We have 14 offices all over the United States where we host seminars. Hiossen wants to make its courses available to local doctors so that they do not have to close their practices for a week and travel far distances to take these courses,” says Lee.

Lee is excited for the future of Hiossen, as a growing implant market only means greater opportunities for the company to share its products and services with clinicians. “As more and more clinicians start doing implant procedures, the costs will go down and more patients will be able to afford them. As more patients can afford implants, we will need more clinicians to meet the demand. This cycle of growth is wonderful for us and everyone else in the implant industry,” says Lee. He adds, “At Hiossen, we are looking forward to creating better products, better designs, better surface treatment, and better surgical tools to make implant procedures easier, faster, and safer.”

85 Ben Fairless Dr
Fairless Hills, PA 19030

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